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    FAQ: Grid Connected Solar Rooftop System

    Solar On Grid Solutions FAQs

    What is a Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV System?

    In grid connected rooftop or small solar photovoltaic (SPV) system, the DC power
    generated from solar panel is converted to AC power using power conditioning
    unit/Inverter and is fed to the grid. Operating modes of grid connected rooftop solar
    PV system can be explained

    What are the main components of a Grid Connected Rooftop Solar PV system?

    Solar PV Modules/Solar Panels The Solar PV modules/Solar Panels convert solar energy to DC (direct current) electrical energy. They are available in different technologies such as crystalline silicon, thin film silicon, CIGS, CdTe, HIT, etc. Crystalline Silicon Solar PV panels are most commonly used in solar rooftop system. Multiple panels are connected together to form arrays as per the
    desired capacity of the system.

    Inverter Inverter converts variable DC output of Solar PV panels into AC
    power. Inverter also synchronizes with the grid so that generated power from the module can be injected into the grid.

    Module mounting structure The module mounting structure, is the support structure that holds the Solar PV panels in place for full system life and is
    exposed to all weather conditions. These are normally fixed at particular angle and orientation in case of solar rooftop system. But these can also be of type that tracks the Sun, called as trackers.

    Bi-direction Meters Meters are used to record the generation or consumption of electricity. Bi-direction (or Net-Meters) are used to keep track of the electricity
    that solar PV system injects to utility grid and the electricity that is drawn from the utility grid.

    Balance of System These consist of cables, switchboards, junction boxes, earthing system, circuit breaker, fuses, lightning protection system, etc.

    How much area is required for a 1 kWp rooftop Solar PV system?

    A 1 kW rooftop system generally requires 10 sq. metres of shadow-free area.
    However, actual area requirement may vary depending on the efficiency of solar module, and their placement etc.

    Why do I need shadow-free area for modules?

    Solar modules (and cells within) need uninterrupted sunlight to produce maximum
    electrical energy. With the shadow even on a part of the module, the generation
    reduces to a great extent thereby wasting installed system capacity. Also, prolonged
    (regular, though intermittent) shadow on some cells or modules reduces their life
    substantially and these become useless much before their standard life of over 25

    What types of roofs are suitable for Rooftop solar (RTS) system?

    Rooftop solar PV systems can be installed on any type of roof having sufficient load
    bearing capacity. .

    What is the daily energy generated from a 1 kWp Solar Power Plant?

    On a clear sunny day, 1 kWp solar power plant can generate 4 to 5.5 units in a day.

    Will I get constant / same energy from the RTS all year round?

    No, the daily energy generation from the RTS shall be dependent on the temperature
    and solar irradiance among other parameters and these may not be same every day

    What are the factors affecting generation?

    • Plant Location
    • Quality of equipment used
    • No. of sunshine hours
    • Workmanship
    • PV module tilt angle and orientation
    • Module Cleaning
    • O&M activities etc.

    Will I get same annual energy from the RTS for all 25 years?

    No. On exposure to sunlight and outside environment, the solar module lose their
    generation capacity and this is called degradation.

    What are the advantages of Grid-Connected Rooftop Solar System?

    • Saving on electricity bill by the consumer.
    • Utilization of available vacant roof space, no additional land required.
    • Low gestation period.
    • No additional requirement of transmission and distribution (T&D) lines.
    • Reduces T&D losses as power consumption and generation are collocated.
    • Improvement in the tail-end grid voltages and reduction of system congestion.
    • Long term energy and ecological security by reduction in carbon emission.
    • Better management of daytime peak loads by DISCOM/ utility.
    • Meeting of the Renewable Purchase Obligations (RPOs) of obligated entities.

    Cost of System and Subsidies

    What is the average cost of grid connected rooftop solar systems?

    The current benchmark cost of grid connected rooftop solar systems can be seen in notification section at

    What are the subsidies/ capital support available from the Government?

    Central financial assistance (or subsidy) is available only for residential sector grid
    connected solar rooftop projects only. For other sectors e.g. Govt., institutional,
    social, commercial, industrial etc. CFA is not available.
    Central Financial Assistance (CFA)* to Residential sector
    • CFA @ 40% of benchmark cost or @40 % of tendered rates (whichever is lower)
    for capacity up to 3 kWp
    • CFA @ 20% of benchmark cost or 20 % of tendered rates (whichever is lower) for
    capacity beyond 3 kWp and up to 10 kWp
    • CFA @ 20% of benchmark cost or @ 20 of tendered rates (whichever is lower) for
    GHS/RWA capacity up to 500 kWp (limited to 10 kWp per house and total upto
    500 kWp)
    For calculation of CFA, the PV plant capacity will be inverter capacity or the PV
    module capacity, whichever is lower. For availing CFA, the PV module and cell shall
    be manufactured in India only.

    Whether residential consumer has to pay the full cost of the system for residential sector subsidised projects?

    No. Consumer has to pay the balance amount after deducting the subsidy (eligible
    CFA) from the L1 project cost discovered by the DISCOMs. Advisory on scheme is
    also available at

    At what rate the full cost of the solar rooftop plant be decided?

    Consumers are advised to pay only according to the rates (L1 rates) decided by
    DISCOMs. If any vendors are charging more price than the rates decided by
    DISCOMs from domestic consumers, in that case consumers are advised to inform
    DISCOM so that the DISCOM identify and punish such vendors.

    Is there any Subsidy/Support from State Government?

    Information on state subsidies can be seen on the website of the concerned electricity
    distribution company. The rooftop solar portals of electricity distribution companies
    can be assessed at:

    Whether MNRE has empanelled any agency for implementation?

    No. MNRE is implementing the programme through power distribution
    companies/DISCOMs of various States. These DISCOMS are responsible for
    discovery of rates and empanelment of vendors for implementation of the projects.

    Consumers can apply online through the portals of these DISCOMS which can be
    assessed at:

    How should I evaluate vendors offering me RTS? What are the main points of consideration?

    The system price, though important, should never be the only factor for deciding
    vendor. Customer should consider at least the following factors:
    • Price of the offered system.
    • Warranties of system and components.
    • Energy generation estimates and guaranties.
    • Service backup and arrangements the vendor has in the area.
    • Reference installations in the track record of the vendor – along with those
    customers’ feedback about system performance and service provided by the

    How can I make payment to the Electricity Distribution Company (DISCOM)?

    Since the system is grid connected through net metering, DISCOM will generate bill
    based upon the reading provided by the net meter installed at the consumer premises.
    The consumer will have to pay for the net units (total imported units minus exported
    solar units) only

    Can I make my monthly electricity bill ‘zero’ by installing RTS?

    This is possible in very rare cases because the consumer shall be required to pay some
    minimum charges like fixed charges, etc. even if the consumed energy is all selfgenerated. However, ‘electricity charges’, a major component of the monthly bill, can
    be reduced to zero by optimally designing and maintaining the RTS. The monthly
    electricity bill may come to zero in States which give revenue for surplus power

    Metering Arrangement for Solar Rooftop

    What is net-metering?

    All solar PV systems generate power only during daytime when sun is available. In
    net metered systems, the generated power is utilized for self-consumption, and excess
    power is exported to the grid as long as grid is available. In case, where solar power is
    not sufficient due to cloud cover etc., power is drawn from the grid to power the
    loads. A bi-directional or net meter records the energy flow in both the directions and
    at the end of billing period net energy used is calculated. The beneficiary has to pay
    for only the net energy used.


    What is Gross Metering?

    In gross metering the power generated from the Rooftop Solar plant is only fed to the
    grid. The system owner gets paid by the DISCOM for such exported power at a predecided tariff.

    What is Net billing?

    Connections in net billing RTS are similar to net metering. However, at the end of the
    billing cycle (normally a month) any excess energy in the grid shall not be carried
    forward like in net metering, but shall be purchased by the DISCOM as per pre
    decided tariff. Therefore, energy banking in the grid is only within a billing cycle.

    Can the RTS be installed for only captive use without being connected to Grid?

    Yes, the plants which are not connected to the grid are normally called behind the
    meter plants and MNRE subsidy is not available for such plants even for residential
    sector. However, it is required to follow rules and regulations specified for this
    purpose by the state authorities.

    Business Model for Solar Rooftop System

    What are the models for implementation of Rooftop PV systems?

    CAPEX Model: Here, the system is owned by the consumer himself and he bears the
    cost of the system.
    RESCO Model: Here, the entire system is owned by the 3rd party project developer.
    The consumer only purchases the generated energy by paying pre-decided tariff on a
    monthly basis as per Power Purchase Agreement (PPA). Responsibility of O&M for
    the system lifetime (25 years) is also with the developer.

    What is the payback for solar rooftop using various business models?

    A simple payback period can be calculated by using rooftop calculator available at
    following web link:

    Installation of Solar Rooftop System

    How can I apply for installation of solar rooftop system?

    Residential consumers and Group Housing Society can apply for installation of solar
    rooftop system through the online portal of DISCOMs. The link for the online portal
    of DISCOMs is mentioned-

    What is the general procedure for installation of Rooftop Solar system for beneficiary?

    The interested beneficiary may install the solar rooftop systems through project
    developers/system integrators/manufactures etc. after taking necessary approval from
    DISCOMs within the capacity limit as laid down in the order of respective State
    Electricity Regulatory Commission/Joint Electricity Regulatory Commission of the
    respective States/UTs.

    Can I install Rooftop Solar system if I live in a rented house?

    The RTS under any framework like net or gross metering can be installed by the
    electricity consumer. So, if you have electricity connection in your name and you pay
    regularly the electricity bill in your own name and also you have the permission of use
    the roof for solar rooftop installation from the owner, you can install the RTS.

    What kind of system can be installed in Group Housing Society (GHS)?

    With several common rooftops available in a society, there is a great potential for
    harnessing solar energy through rooftop PV systems. The energy generated from these
    systems is used to offset the common loads of the society (common lighting, lift,
    pumps, etc.). A Net Meter shall be provided against, the Single Point Delivery (SPD)
    common meter of Cooperative Group Housing Society (CGHS). In this, the society
    ultimately gets benefitted in terms of reduced monthly electricity expenses.

    If I shift my residence or office where RTS is installed, what will happen to the RTS?

    The system is easy to be dismantled and reassembled elsewhere. So, it can be shifted
    to your new residence.

    Whether solar module should be made of indigenously for subsidised projects?

    Yes. Only indigenously manufactured PV modules with indigenous solar cell can be
    used in Solar PV systems power plants for subsidised sector projects. For reference,
    as per the ALMM list 10th March 2021 Clause 4 IV- Link:-
    However, there is no such limitation in case the project installed without any subsidy.

    We are an “ISO 9001:2015” certified organization that follows systematic quality system. Premium quality meets innovation in the wide range of electrical products manufactured by CPSE. Along with a wide range of maintenance free products, we also offer you an absolutely unbiased service.Our highly qualified engineers are at your service to provide the most efficient and affordable energy products that enable you to save more and at the same time cut down our carbon footprint. Centaur Powers and Solar Energy (CPSE) is looking forward to generate clean power for the future. We set international standard in achieving this goal. CPSE is an enterprise, specializing in exploiting, researching, manufacturing and selling outdoor lighting, solar PV Modules and other renewal energy products.

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